
1、人累了 , 就休息;心累了 , 就淡定 。
When a person is tired, he will rest; if his heart is tired, he will be calm.
2、每一天 , 每一刻 , 都是结束 , 也都是开始 。
Every day, every moment, is the end and the beginning.
3、有些事 , 我不说 , 我不问 , 不代表我不在乎 。
Some things, I do not say, I do not ask, does not mean I do not care.
4、只有傻瓜才用双脚去试河水的深浅 。
Only a fool tries the depth of a river with his feet.
5、不知道昰不昰在想沵 , 总之心痛了好几下 。
I don't know if I'm thinking about you. In short, my heart aches a lot.
6、脑婆等我 , 给你盖大房子住 。
Naopo will wait for me to build you a big house.
7、做正确的人 , 才能正确的做人 。
Be the right person, you can be the right person.
8、放大心胸看事 , 立定脚跟做人 。
Enlarge your mind to see things, stand firm and be a man.
9、老了 , 才看清这个世界还很年轻 。
Old, just see this world is still very young.
10、说好了不动情 , 我却动了心 。
Said not to be emotional, but I moved my heart.
11、宝马 , 人生价值的完美诠释!
BMW, the perfect interpretation of life value!
12、为理想而奋斗 , 为事业而拼搏 。
Strive for the ideal and strive for the cause.
13、跟着人群走下去吧 , 就这样微笑的走到尽头 。
Follow the crowd down, so smile to the end.
14、当一切 , 成为注定 , 我们就只能回忆过去 。
When everything, become destined, we can only recall the past.
15、不要谈论自己 , 更不要议论别人 。
Don't talk about yourself, let alone others.
16、成功不在难易 , 而在于是否采取行动 。
Success lies not in the difficulty, but in taking action.
17、女人如歌 , 时光深处翩若惊鸿 , 一咏三叹 。
The woman is like a song, and the deep time is like a startling bird.
18、闲 , 势必一无所获 , 忙 , 才更充实!
Leisure, is bound to get nothing, busy, only more substantial!
19、壮心未与年俱老 , 死去犹能作鬼雄 。
Zhuang Xin is not old with age, but he can still be a ghost hero when he dies.
20、生前的赞扬往往虚假 , 死后的议论常常真实 。
Praise before death is often false, and argument after death is often true.
21、虽然自尊心不是美德 , 但它是多数美德的双亲 。
Although self-esteem is not a virtue, it is the parent of most virtues.
22、永远不要因为新鲜感 , 扔掉一直陪伴你的人 。
Never throw away the people who have been with you because of the freshness.
23、内行懂规律、知本质 , 外行看现象、知皮毛 。
Know the phenomenon and know the essence.
24、怪自己太聪明 , 不该知道的都懂了 。
Blame yourself for being too smart to know everything.
25、世界太暗 , 人心太黑 , 我们太假 , 爱情太傻 。
The world is too dark, people are too dark, we are too fake, love is too silly.
26、世上你我皆过客 , 何必计较那么多 。
You and I are visitors in the world. Why bother so much.
27、你会拥有无穷的快乐 , 把它收藏起来 。
You're going to have infinite happiness and collect it.
28、你觉得自己没能力 , 那你已经没什么能力了 。
If you think you have no ability, then you have no ability.
29、我的内心你看到了吗 , 你了解了吗 , 够了吗?
Do you see my heart? Do you understand it? Is that enough?
30、人活着很累 , 不要再伤害自己 , 好好爱自己 。
People live very tired, do not hurt themselves, love yourself.
31、我们的一生 , 总是写满了存在与离开 。
Our life is always full of being and leaving.
32、用平常心来生活 , 用惭愧心来待人 。
Live with a common heart and treat others with shame.
33、我谁都不怕 , 就怕自己不够强大!
I'm not afraid of anyone. I'm afraid I'm not strong enough!
34、梦想着像一匹骏马奔腾在辽阔的大草原上 。
Dream like a horse galloping in the vast prairie.
35、吸取不等于收获 , 创造才是收获的终结 。
Absorption is not equal to harvest. Creation is the end of harvest.
36、人生只是一场过客 , 而我们刚好只是路过而已 。
Life is just a passer-by, and we just pass by.
37、彼此都没疑猜 , 就没有理由分开 。
No doubt about each other, there is no reason to separate.
38、努力一点 , 现在想要的以后你都会有 。
Try hard, you will have everything you want now.
39、努力不一定有收获 , 但不努力就一定没有收获 。
Efforts do not necessarily have a harvest, but do not work, there must be no harvest.
40、当初的我 , 现在在你的心中可有一丝位置 。
The original me, now in your heart can have a trace of position.
41、如果没有当初相遇 , 是不是就不会有今天的疼痛 。
If there is no meeting at the beginning, will not have today's pain.
42、一个年轻人 , 心情冷下来时 , 头脑会变得健全 。
When a young man is in a cold mood, his mind will become sound.
43、如果可以选择的话 , 不要用恨来结束一段爱 。
If you have a choice, don't end a love with hate.
44、给时间一点点时间 , 让过去过去 , 让开始开始 。
Give time a little time, let the past pass, let the beginning begin.
45、爱情里是不能仰视的 , 卑微的爱情多半会夭折 。
Love is not to look up to, humble love will mostly die.
46、所有的努力 , 最终都会绕个大圈回报给你自己 。
All the efforts will be rewarded to yourself in a big circle.
47、你只有一定要 , 才一定会得到 。
You can only get it if you have to.
48、强加的希望 , 最终会是拖垮心中理想的巨石 。
The imposed hope will eventually be the boulder that will bring down the ideal in the heart.
49、心存善良 , 世界就会变得美好 。
Be kind and the world will be better.
50、非淡泊无以明志 , 非宁静无以致远 。
Without indifference, there is no way to express one's ambition, and one can not go far without tranquility.
51、自己要先看得起自己 , 别人才会看得起你 。
You have to look up to yourself, others will look up to you.
52、如果化为泡沫 , 消逝之前 , 依旧要与命运一搏 。
If it turns into a bubble, it will still fight against fate before it dies.
53、国有诚信必兴 , 家有诚信必和 , 人有诚信必贤 。
State owned integrity will prosper, family integrity will be harmonious, people have integrity will be virtuous.
54、只要热情犹在 , 哪怕青春消逝 。
As long as the enthusiasm is still there, even if youth fades.
55、你弱的时候 , 不要去怪世上坏人多 。
When you are weak, don't blame the bad guys in the world.
56、要穿高跟鞋 , 但是不要高的太过分 。
Wear high heels, but not too high.
57、品茶香 , 知茶趣;品人生 , 知人趣 。
Taste tea fragrance, know tea interest; taste life, know people's interest.
58、只有种下诚信的苗 , 才能结出诚信的果 。
Only by planting the seedlings of honesty can we bear the fruit of honesty.
59、人生何其短 , 谁还有一个踩狗屎的时候 。
Life is so short, who still has a time to step on dog excrement.
60、把努力当成你的一种习惯 , 而不是一时的热血 。
【热爱生活的英文短句】Take effort as a habit, not a moment of blood.
