
1、祝圣诞吉祥 , 新年如意 。
Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
2、圣诞来临 , 祝新年快乐!
Christmas is coming. Happy New Year!
May your Christmas dreams come true!
May your Christmas be filled with warmth and peace!
5、愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在 。
May the joy of Christmas be with you all the year round.
6、愿你的圣诞光彩夺目 , 愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!
Wish you a bright Christmas and a bright new year! Happy New Year!
7、如果每年都能和你一起过圣诞节 , 我愿意用一辈子的爱意来交换 。
If I could spend Christmas with you every year, I would like to exchange my love for a lifetime.
8、我让爱的祝福化作片片晶莹的雪花 , 亲吻你的脸颊 , 溶入你的心里 。亲爱的 , 祝你圣诞快乐 。
I let the blessing of love into pieces of crystal snowflakes, kiss your cheek, melt into your heart. Happy Christmas to you, honey.
9、带给你 , 平安夜 , 狂欢夜 , 有你有丽才精彩 。
Bring you, Christmas Eve, carnival night, you have beautiful talent wonderful.
10、敬祝圣诞 , 恭贺新喜 。
Christmas and congratulations.
11、无尽的爱恋与祝福 , 献给我的爱妻 , 你永远是我珍贵的圣诞礼物和我的一切!
Endless love and blessing for my wife, you will always be my precious Christmas gift and everything to me!
12、玫瑰是我的热情 , 糖果是我的味道 , 星星是我的眼睛 , 月光是我的灵魂 , 一并送给你 , 圣诞快乐!
Rose is my passion, candy is my taste, stars are my eyes, moonlight is my soul, and I give it to you, Merry Christmas!
13、送上一份早到的圣诞礼物 , 希望你会喜欢!可以告诉你 , 我是喜欢你的 , 但这并不代表爱!圣诞快乐!
Send an early Christmas present, hope you will like it! I can tell you that I like you, but it doesn't mean love! Merry Christmas!
14、圣诞节 , 让我深情的祝福化成雪花 , 轻轻地飘落在你的身上 , 慢慢地浸透融入到你的心里 。
Christmas, let me affectionate blessing into snowflakes, gently falling on your body, slowly soaked into your heart.
15、在这圣洁的节日 , 给我的至爱送上一句简单的祝福:圣诞快乐!
In this holy festival, send a simple blessing to my beloved: Merry Christmas!
16、深深祝福、丝丝情谊、串串思念 , 愿化作一份礼物 , 留在你的心中 , 祝你圣诞快乐 , 新年幸福!
【圣诞祝福英语】I wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year!
17、不要圣诞礼物 , 只要你 , 因为有了你 , 我就有了全世界 。
Don't give Christmas presents, just you. Because of you, I have the whole world.
18、一起走过的日子 , 总是充满了浪漫 。亲爱的 , 圣诞快乐!
The days together are always full of romance. Happy Christmas, honey!
The warm atmosphere of Christmas night: the halo of the moon, the sound of bells, lights and my little blessing convey the message of the festival: holy, safe and happy!
20、我愿意陪你熬过寒冬 , 度过圣诞节 , 一起迎接万物复苏的春光 。
I would like to accompany you through the cold winter, spend Christmas, and welcome the spring of all things together.
21、值此佳节 , 祝你全家圣诞快乐 。
Wishing you and your family a merry Christmas this holiday season.
22、我要把一切喜讯变成奶油 , 所有祝福柔成巧克力 , 所有快乐做成蛋糕答谢你 , 然后说声圣诞快乐!
I want to turn all good news into cream, all blessings into chocolate, all happiness into cake, thank you, and then say Merry Christmas!
23、以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐 。
I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours..
24、祝节日幸福如意 。
Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.
25、和你在一起的每一个日子 , 都有特殊的意义 , 更何况是我们的第一个圣诞节 。
Every day with you has a special meaning, let alone our first Christmas.
26、彩色的雪花 , 白色的冬天 , 红色的圣诞 , 暖色的季节 , 在这宁静的时刻 , 衷心祝你圣诞快乐!
Colorful snowflakes, white winter, red Christmas, warm season, in this quiet moment, I sincerely wish you a happy Christmas!
27、愿快乐随时与您同在 , 就如同我们与您寸步不离一般 。
May happiness be with you at any time, just as we are with you.
28、白雪飘飘 , 鹿铃霄霄 , 甜蜜的平安夜又来到 , 小手摆摆 , 舞姿曼曼 , 快乐的圣诞节日多美好 。
Snow fluttering, deer Lingxiao Xiao, sweet christmas eve comes again, small hands swing, dancing Manman, happy Christmas Day is more beautiful.
29、为了这一个 , 也为了更多即将来临的圣诞节 。
For this one, and for more coming Christmas.
30、给你特别的祝福 , 愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福、如意 。
Special wishes for you. May Christmas and the New Year bring you endless happiness and happiness.
